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  • Medication Sychronization

    Medication Sychronization

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  • Multi-Dose Packaging

    Multi-Dose Packaging

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  • Medication Therapy Management

    Medication Therapy Management

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Meet Your Pharmacist 

Keith Neidy and our relief pharmacist, Ron Pittman have dedicated the majority of their careers to serving Chickasha, OK.

Specialized Services:

  • Specialized Counseling
  • Blood Pressure Screenings
  • Homeopathic & Natural Medicines

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5 Foods for Brain Health

Ever feel like your brain needs a boost? You may be able to find what you're looking for in your pantry or refrigerator. more

Shedding Light on Lice

Shedding Light on Lice

With the start of the new school year and as the fall approaches, children may be more likely to come into contact with head lice. more

Glaucoma: Everything You Need to Know

Glaucoma: Everything You Need to Know

Around half of the people who have glaucoma do not even know they have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). more

Heart Attack Symptoms: Men vs. Women

Heart Attack Symptoms: Men vs. Women

Past research has suggested that women have different heart attack symptoms than men. But new findings suggest that may not be exactly true. more

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Detoxes & Cleanses: What Are They and Do They Work?

Cleanses and detox diets may sound healthy, but do they really work? more

Teaching Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Teaching Kids to Brush Their Teeth

As an adult, brushing your teeth is something you could probably do with your eyes closed. But for kids, this twice-daily task isn't so simple. more

How to Protect Your Hearing

How to Protect Your Hearing

How loud is too loud? It's important to know when noise can threaten your hearing. Read on to learn more about noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). more

Don't Make This Common Car Seat Mistake

Don't Make This Common Car Seat Mistake

During the winter, do you strap your children into their car seats while they're wearing a coat? If so, you may be putting them in danger. more

Preventing Poisoning at Home

Preventing Poisoning at Home

Our homes are filled with helpful things: medications, cleaners, hygiene products, jewelry and batteries. These items are helpful for adults, but they can be dangerous for children. more

Psoriasis: Things to Know

Psoriasis: Things to Know

Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects over 7.5 million Americans. Read on to learn everything you need to know about psoriasis. more